Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pic Collage

One of the most frustrating parts of using technology in the classroom is finding great resources that don't cost you an arm and a leg. However, when you do find that free tool, it's a pretty good feeling. Pic Collage is one of those tools. It is a FREE iPad app that is very user friendly and can be used in a variety of ways in your classroom.

Pic Collage allows you to:
  • Change background color or pattern
  • Add photos from your camera roll or the internet
  • Add text
  • Add stickers
Pic Collage can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play. It is available on Apple and Droid devices. There is a website for Pic Collage but it does not offer much information or support related to education.

Here are some ideas I have for using Pic Collage:
  • Personal narratives: students add photos of themselves and add details. They can present their project to the class and work on presentation and speech skills.

  • Acrostic poem: Your students will learn what an acrostic poem is. Then they research a topic, add photos and text about that topic, and present their topic to the class.

  • Get rid of "tired" words: Create a list of overused words with your students. Next assign each student a word and have them research synonyms. They will then create a digital poster of the overused word surrounded by more exciting synonyms. These digital posters can be sent to the teacher. They can be printed out and hung around the classroom. This will allow them to use these new words in their writing.

These three lessons are engaging, hands-on, and allow your students to express their creativity through technology while learning. Try it out in your classroom!!

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