Thursday, January 16, 2014

Grounded Technology Integration

The purpose of this blog is to reflect on the readings, activities, and discussions in the course, CI 302, Principles and Practices of Learning Technology. I am very excited to learn more about tech in the classroom this semester.

I read the article Grounded Technology Integration, written by Harris and Hofer. The main idea of the article was as teachers, we should first plan our lessons according to standards and content goals, what our students need, and then consider how technology could play a role. So many times we begin with the technology and try to figure out how to shape a lesson around a certain technological tool, but in reality, this is backwards.

I'm not going to lie, in the past, I have done the backwards planning; starting with technology and trying to fit a lesson around a certain tool. After reading this article, the grounded technology integration makes so much more sense. If we think about it that way, we would still be reaching the same goal as if there was no technology, but then the technological tool serves as an aide, not a necessity.

As a young person who grew up with technology, I am very comfortable with it. I know that some of the teachers who have been teaching for many years and don't have technological experience, aren't comfortable with it. I think the grounded technology integration would help them, because they would take the same lessons they've been using for years, and consider how technology could assist those lessons; rather than creating entire new plans based of technology.

I perused through some of the blogs my teacher recommended us to explore and saw how great blogging can be from an educational standpoint. So many ideas are shared on blogs between educators and it's a great place to go for resources. The Cat Chronicles had a lot of great ideas; I began following him on blogger! I also saw many of the blogs mention EdCamp and other education fairs and I am grateful for the opportunity to attend one this semester for this class!

Blog reflection #1 complete.

Until next time,


Harris, J., & Hofer, M. (2009). Grounded Tech Integration. Learning and Leading with Technology, 22-25. Retrieved from

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