Saturday, February 15, 2014

Technology Standards

In my technology class, we took an assessment through the AEA. It tested my knowledge on the technology standards for teachers. The standard I tested highest on was standard #2 and I tested lowest on standard #5. Most of the questions I missed were due to misinterpretation or misunderstanding by myself. I also missed questions that dealt with laws about technology in schools and professional development because those are two things I do not have much experience in.

There are some similarities between the technology standards for teachers and the technology standards for students. They are both focused on making the teacher and student the best at using technology; whether that be in their teaching or in their classroom.

In addition to the similarities, there are many differences. The standards for teachers are more focused on the planning, modeling, and promoting. As teachers, it is our job to create a classroom environment that promotes twenty-first century learning skills and model for our students how to use tools to help them succeed. The student standards are all things we want students to be able to do throughout or after projects and assignments that their teachers assign. These standards are the skills we want students to have in order to be a twenty-first century learner.

I think these are very appropriate expectations for students and teachers when it comes to technology because they are doable, and they are necessary to succeed in our world today. New jobs and new tools are constantly being created and it prepare our students for the real world we must teach them how to be life-long learners and how to use technological tools. I think the standards are appropriate expectations for teachers because it is an expectation already for us to model for our students, so modeling technology is another way we can teach them.

As a future teacher, I can work to ensure that other teachers have a deep understanding of these standards by sharing with them what I have learned. With the background I have with technology, I may be one of the more tech-savvy teachers at my future job and I will gladly teach the skills and tools I have learned. I think it is important to share with others because that is how we grow and become better teachers.

ISTE has created profiles for grade bands. It provides ideas for grade-level appropriate lessons tha meet the student standards. I chose PreK-2nd. Here are three quick lesson snippets that could meet standard #1: Creativity and Innovation:

  1. Students will create their own original story using the iPad app Toontastic. Students will create a rough draft on paper and then create their digital story using their own illustrations and voice over their plot.
  2. Students will pick an issue that effects their life in some way (recycling, playground safety, littering, etc.) and create a Public Service Announcement using VoiceThread to educate their audience about the problem. They will work with a partner to accomplish this task.
  3. Students will create an Acrostic poem using Pic Collage about themselves. They will use adjectives to describe themselves and add pictures or illustrations to tell the class about who they are.


  1. Awesome lesson ideas Jenny! I think you are really understanding the connection between teacher and student technology standards. Your comment on how modeling content using technology can be really effective and also an expectation is very true. As teachers that integrate technology we are going to have to be extra aware of how to modify instruction and keep our students engaged through our activities. I know that you'll be amazing at it! I also really liked when you talked about how you might be the tech-savy teacher in your school and that sharing your knowledge will be very important. It will have to be a complete learning community while we learn from experienced teachers and hopefully we can share our education on integrating technology! Great insight into how the standards are important in the classroom each day as well, Jenny, I know you'll be an amazing teacher that incorporates these standards in creative ways!

    1. Thanks for your compliments, Katherine. You made a good point which I didn't really touch on in my post - as a new teacher, I will be learning from experienced teachers too. Schools are such a community because we are all constantly learning from each other and sharing our ideas.

  2. Jenny! I agree that when sharing your knowledge with others, it helps them understand and grasp the information better. I loved your ideas on how to incorporate technology into your classroom full of little ones :) Good job!

  3. Jenny, I strongly agree with your thoughts about working to ensure that other teachers have a deep understanding of the ISTE standards by sharing with them the things we have learned. Just as you mentioned you believe you may be one of the more tech-savvy teachers at your future job due to your background and experience with technology, I also believe this will be true for me as well. In fact, I am currently in a 5th grade classroom for Block 2 in Des Moines and my teacher has already relied on my understanding and experience with technology to improve her lessons in an effort to further engage the students.

    I often forget how technology savvy college has made me. Working with resources such as Google Drive has become a part of my daily routine and is something I cannot imagine functioning without. However, when I spoke with my practicum teacher, (who is only in her third year of teaching might I add) she expressed her discomfort and confusion in working with Google Drive. This greatly surprised me, as I so often assume every person knows how to use this incredible resource. I believe it is very easy for us to forget that we know more related to technology than we think we do. With as important technology is to me, I feel so incredibly blessed to be attending college in today's age. I reflect on how technology centered much of my extra-curricular involvement and academic course load reflects, as almost everything I participate in revolves around a form of technology. I don't think it will be until we are practicing teachers that we will recognize how beneficial our background in technology will be. Just as you expressed your desire to help your colleagues implement and use technology in a classroom, I anxiously await this opportunity as well. I passionately want to teach in a very technology rich environment and will do anything I can to ensure my colleague, students, and parents all understand the importance of technology integration.

  4. Jenny, I think you made a lot of really good points! With the use of technology increasing the way it is, I think it is important we are exposing our students to technology and teaching them the skills they need to appropriately use it. I agree with your comment when you talked about the teacher standards being appropriate due to the modeling done by the teacher. As future teachers we will be role models for our students and our use of technology in the classroom will allow them to see how to appropriately use it and encourage them to do the same. I also liked your lesson activities you wrote about. I liked how student centered they were and the amount of creativity that can be done by the students!

  5. Jenny, I really enjoyed reading your blog post! I agree that we as teachers need to have a good background understanding on these standards before we can teach effectively. I know it can be hardly to fully grasp each standard, however as teachers it is our duty to stay informed and up to date! I also really enjoyed your lesson plan ideas that integrate technology and their standards!

  6. Jenny! I loved how you took something as simple as creating an acrostic poem with characteristics about themselves and added the fun twist of using an app. What a creative way to make the project more fun and engaging for students.

    I like when you said, "I think these are very appropriate expectations for students and teachers when it comes to technology because they are doable, and they are necessary to succeed in our world today." I totally agree! These standards aren't just something that the students will do inside the classroom but outside the classroom as well. They are also obtainable for students and once student achieve a standard they will be able to have confidence to keep working to achieve more.

    Which standard do you think is most effective to implement collaboration among students?
